Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Security Breach

Friends -- the following post will explain my blogging hiatus, and the email you are about to receive in your inbox.

During our weekend in Thailand, I had a chance to meet some of Kyle's colleagues. As we waited on the patio of the Hard Rock Hotel for our Elephant tour to depart, I was introduced to a Lieutenant Belt Buckle. Upon meeting her and shaking her hand, she took one look at me and said, "Oh, so you're the one that's been leaking information to terrorists." I had NO idea what she was talking about. A look of confusion washed over my face. And then, Lieutenant BB realized she had just blindsided me. She then looked at Kyle and said, "Oh, Mattox, you didn't tell her?!?"

Kyle grabbed my hand and told me, "Oh, it's nothing baby. It's just that the Intel and Comm guys discovered your blog. I guess they were doing a keyword search and they found the blog." I couldn't even believe it. I was mortified. I felt horrible. I would never, ever type, post or say something that might put Kyle or any other service member in danger. I thought I had been so careful with what I typed on the blog. I thought I had followed all of the rules of operational security.

I asked Kyle what I should do . . . should we take the blog down? Should I stop blogging? How will our family and friends stay in touch with our life in the Far East if I can't blog? He told me, "Jen, calm down. It wasn't officially a security breach. Just almost. . ."

Given that our blog was "almost a security breach," I am taking new measures to protect our information. I have created a blog on blogspot. You will be required to "log in" to read our blog. Please watch your email inbox for information about becoming a viewer of our new blog.

I hope you'll continue to read! Kyle and I are really having the adventure of a lifetime over here in the Far East. We are both so thankful for the opportunities and experiences we've had over the past 15 months. Please email me at if you would like access to the new blog at


stacycaye said... unfunny as I'm sure this was....this is so funny just because it is you;-)

Can't wait to stay caught up again!

Meliha said...

So this one is secure because you can't get in unless you receive the invite and then log in...???
Just wondering...

Jen in Japan said...

Oh, I can't make any promises about this one being "secure." I'm sure if the Intel folks want to find it, they will. But, now only people who I have invited and granted access can log in. I will still be very careful about what I post.

Debra Sanborn said...

Oh Jen, this is SO hilarious. If it makes you feel better, I once allowed a retired military who was currently a sheriff into the base facility where I worked without requiring him to remove his firearm. They forgot to cover that one in orientation, I guess. :)