Monday, April 27, 2009

The Boys

As you might know, Rex and Hari are very dear to our hearts. Kyle and I seem to be the happiest when we are curled up on the couch (with a nice glass of wine) and the dogs are nearby. It really does feel like our family. After petting both dogs on the head, Kyle will look at me and say "Jen, I love our family." It is a great feeling. You probably know, I've been very connected to Rex since the day I saved him from the pound. He's an emotional dog and really loves people. He senses the energy in the room and always adapts to it. If I am sad, Rex gives me a hug. We've been calling Rex "velcro dog" lately, because he always wants to be near people. Hari has become a much better dog. I'm sure it's a combination of the fact that he's now 1 year old, he's been neutered, and I decided to love him. He must have sensed I had a beef with him before, because he and I just didn't see eye to eye. Well, in early January (after almost giving him away) I decided I loved Hari and he was part of our family. He really is a good dog and has positive traits that Rex doesn't have.

Well, a few weeks ago my friend Kari posted about her dog Boomer and doggie ice cream treats she had picked up at the grocery store. I was so excited to see Purina was making doggie ice cream, but I didn't figure we'd be able to find it at the Commissary in Japan.

Low and behold, last week when I was shopping for slumber party supplies, I spotted the Frosty Paws in the freezer section.

The boys loved the ice cream!

1 comment:

mrs. j said...

Boomer just loves a puppy cup of ice cream! I'm so glad you were able to get them in Japan!!!!